Monday, May 28, 2012

Painted Lady . . . Metamorphosis

The Painted Lady caterpillars are now in their chrysalises.  We have 39 chrysalises (one caterpillar didn't make it).

It has been three days since the caterpillars have formed their chrysalises so . . . it's moving time.  I removed the lid and placed the filter on a stack of paper towels in the bottom of a butterfly cage. 

The butterflies don't need to be hanging to successfully emerge - they can come out in the laying down position.  Twice a day  the chrysalises need to be misted lightly with water so they don't dry out.  It usually takes about 7 to 10 day for the butterfly to make its way out of the chrysalises.  It might look like nothing is happening but it is really a time of rapid change.  Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a remarkable transformation, called metamorphosis. 

The reddish liquid on the filter paper is merconium.  Merconium is excess liquid the caterpillar didn't use during wing formation.  

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